Effective at SESYNC's closure in December 2022, this page is no longer maintained. The information may be out of date or inaccurate.

Introduction to R and the RStudio IDE

R is a programming language that was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1995. R is popular for reasons including

RStudio is a Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for coding in the R language. This course will use this platform to teach R, so we provide some introductory materials below.

Please note that SESYNC provides a cloud platform capable of supporting the software needs for the course, so there is no computational software for you to install in advance. However, you are welcome to install any and or all of this software—it is all free and open source—on your own machines. The list of software is available near the bottom of the syllabus.

RStudio IDE Overview

RStudio IDE Cheatsheet

If you need to catch-up before a section of code will work, just squish it's 🍅 to copy code above it into your clipboard. Then paste into your interpreter's console, run, and you'll be ready to start in on that section. Code copied by both 🍅 and 📋 will also appear below, where you can edit first, and then copy, paste, and run again.

# Nothing here yet!