Bubble Sort

The “bubble sort” algorithm is a procedure for sorting. If the input is a collection of random letters, the following “pseudo-code” provides a set of instructions that will lead to sorting the collection alphabetically.

  1. let A refer to a random collection of letters
  2. let n refer to the number of letters in A
  3. for i referring to any positive integer, let A[i] refer to the ith letter in A
  4. let swapped refer to ‘No’
  5. let i refer to 1, then 2, then 3, etc. up to and including n - 1 in the next step
  6. if A[i + 1] comes before A[i] in the alphabet, then swap them in the collection A and let swapped refer to ‘Yes’
  7. if swapped refers to ‘Yes’, go back to 4 and resume, otherwise A is in alphabetical order

The following is a script in the R programming language that implements bubble sort, beginning from the assumption that A already refers to an array of letters.

n <- length(A)
swapped <- TRUE
while (swapped) {
    swapped <- FALSE
    for (i in seq(1, n - 1)) {
        if (A[i+1] < A[i]) {
            a <- A[i+1]
            A[i+1] <- A[i]
            A[i] <- a
            swapped <- TRUE


The following script achieves the same thing, but “modularizes” step 6; it seperates out the code for swapping. Identify how the script is different as you read.

swap <- function(i, x) {
    lesser <- x[i + 1]
    x[i + 1] <- x[i] 
    x[i] <- lesser

n <- length(A)
swapped <- TRUE
while (swapped) {
    swapped <- FALSE
    for (i in seq(1, n - 1)) {
        if (A[i+1] < A[i]) {
            A <- swap(i, A)
            swapped <- TRUE



Carefully “read” each of the following, unrelated, snippets of R code and answer the questions as you go.

Snippet 1

values <- c(6, 42, 13, 2, 9, -8, 27)
total <- 0
for (i in 1:length(values)) {
    total <- total + values[i]


Snippet 2

test_value <- 98
is_even <- function(x) {
    output <- FALSE
    if (x != round(x)) {
        warning('Please input an integer.')
    } else {
        y <- round(x / 2)
        if (x == y * 2) {
            output <- TRUE
if (!evenness(test_value)) {
    warning('Test failed.')


Snippet 3

text <- 'The computing world has undergone a revolution since the publication of "The C Programming Language" in 1978.'
word <- 'revolution'
n <- nchar(word)
i <- 1
while (substring(text, i, i + n - 1) != word) {
    i <- i + 1
    if (i + n > nchar(text)) {
        i <- 0
