June 07, 2019 by Rachael Blake
Have you ever needed to create a visualization of a research process or statistical model that isn’t directly plotted from data? For example, a conceptual diagram, mind map, flowchart of your research process, or statistical model diagram. The R package DiagrammeR makes it much easier to create high quality figures and diagrams in situations like these.
There are three main ways to use the DiagrammeR package.
The package contains R functions that help you create a
These include create_graph
for defining the structure of your
diagram, and render_graph
for printing your diagram in the RStudio
viewer. With render_graph
you can also output your graph in DOT
(graph description language).
DOT is also used by Graphviz, which is
implemented in DiagrammeR. Diagrams specified with Graphviz must
pass a valid diagram specification in DOT to the function grViz()
At the minimum, you will need graph, node, and edge statements (see
example below).
The mermaid library is also
implemented in DiagrammeR. Diagrams specified with mermaid must pass
a valid diagram specification to the function mermaid()
. You must
begin by specifying graph
in this function (see example below).
For exporting/printing/saving your diagrams, the package DiagrammeRsvg can be useful. You can also use the Export functionality in RStudio to save graphs.
library(DiagrammeR) ; library(DiagrammeRsvg) ; library(rsvg)
A simple diagram:
# define nodes dataframe
nodes <- create_node_df(n = 4,
type = "lower",
style = "filled",
color = "teal",
shape = "circle",
data = c(3.5, 2.6, 9.4, 2.7))
# define edges dataframe
edges <- create_edge_df(from = c(1, 2, 3, 3),
to = c(2, 4, 4, 2))
# create graph
my_graph <- create_graph(nodes_df = nodes, edges_df = edges)
# print graph
Use the export_graph
function to save the figure as an image file, in
this case a PNG:
# export graph
export_graph(my_graph, file_name = "simple.png",
file_type = "PNG")
I’ve found it easiest and most customizable to create diagrams using Graphviz.
A simple diagram:
my_graphviz <- grViz("digraph{
graph[rankdir = LR]
node[shape = rectangle, style = filled]
A[label = 'Figure']
B[label = 'Analysis.R']
C[label = 'Data.csv']
edge[color = black]
B -> A
C -> B
A GraphViz object requires a few more steps to save as an image file, such as a PNG:
# export graph
export_svg(my_graphviz) %>%
charToRaw() %>%
rsvg() %>%
A more complex diagram, specifying different colors for some nodes, and using subgraph clustering.
graph[rankdir = LR]
node[shape = rectangle, style = filled]
node[fillcolor = Coral, margin = 0.2]
A[label = 'Figure 1: Map']
B[label = 'Figure 2: Metrics']
node[fillcolor = Cyan, margin = 0.2]
C[label = 'Figures.Rmd']
node[fillcolor = Violet, margin = 0.2]
D[label = 'Analysis_1.R']
E[label = 'Analysis_2.R']
subgraph cluster_0 {
graph[shape = rectangle]
style = rounded
bgcolor = Gold
label = 'Data Source 1'
node[shape = rectangle, fillcolor = LemonChiffon, margin = 0.25]
F[label = 'my_dataframe_1.csv']
G[label = 'my_dataframe_2.csv']
subgraph cluster_1 {
graph[shape = rectangle]
style = rounded
bgcolor = Gold
label = 'Data Source 2'
node[shape = rectangle, fillcolor = LemonChiffon, margin = 0.25]
H[label = 'my_dataframe_3.csv']
I[label = 'my_dataframe_4.csv']
edge[color = black, arrowhead = vee, arrowsize = 1.25]
C -> {A B}
D -> C
E -> C
F -> D
G -> D
H -> E
I -> E
Adapted from a more detailed “real life” example located in this research data package.
It’s also pretty easy to create diagrams in mermaid, but it seems slightly less customizable. It also not currently possible to export a diagram created in mermaid to a static file (ex: svg, png). If you need to create a figure for publication, for example, it may be best to use the Graphviz implementation above.
A simple diagram:
graph LR
A more complex diagram specifying colors and shapes for nodes, and labels for edges.
graph BT
A-- 0.30 -->B1
C[Air Temp]
C== 0.89 ==>B1
style A fill:#FFF, stroke:#333, stroke-width:4px
style B fill:#9AA, stroke:#9AA, stroke-width:2px
style B1 fill:#879, stroke:#333, stroke-width:1px
style C fill:#ADF, stroke:#333, stroke-width:2px
style E fill:#9C2, stroke:#9C2, stroke-width:2px
Adapted from Klinger & Blake (in prep.)