Intersections, Zonal Statistics, and Distance

Conservation Suitability in Florida

Lesson 5 with Benoit Parmentier


####################################   Suitability Analysis   #######################################
############################  Selection of parcels for conservation   #######################################
# This script performs basic analyses for the Exercise 3 of the workshop using Florida data.
# The overall goal is to perform a multi-criteria/sustainabiltiy analysis to select areas suitable 
# for conservation.     
#Goal: Determine the ten (10) parcels of land within Clay County in the focus zone most suitable for purchase
#towards conversion to land conservation.
#AUTHORS: Benoit Parmentier                                             
#DATE CREATED: 03/17/2017 
#DATE MODIFIED: 04/02/2018
#Version: 2
#PROJECT: SESYNC and AAG 2018 workshop/Short Course preparation
#COMMIT: testing code on virtual machine, AAG workshop

###Loading R library and packages                                                      

library(sp) # spatial/geographfic objects and functions
library(rgdal) #GDAL/OGR binding for R with functionalities
rgdal: version: 1.2-18, (SVN revision 718)
 Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully loaded
 Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 2.1.3, released 2017/20/01
 Path to GDAL shared files: /usr/share/gdal/2.1
 GDAL binary built with GEOS: TRUE 
 Loaded PROJ.4 runtime: Rel. 4.9.2, 08 September 2015, [PJ_VERSION: 492]
 Path to PROJ.4 shared files: (autodetected)
 Linking to sp version: 1.2-7 
library(spdep) #spatial analyses operations, functions etc.
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: spData
To access larger datasets in this package, install the spDataLarge
package with: `install.packages('spDataLarge',
repos='', type='source'))`
library(gtools) # contains mixsort and other useful functions
library(maptools) # tools to manipulate spatial data
Checking rgeos availability: TRUE
#library(parallel) # parallel computation, part of base package no
library(rasterVis) # raster visualization operations
Loading required package: raster
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: latticeExtra
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
library(raster) # raster functionalities
library(forecast) #ARIMA forecasting
library(xts) #extension for time series object and analyses
Loading required package: zoo

Attaching package: 'zoo'
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    as.Date, as.Date.numeric
library(zoo) # time series object and analysis
library(lubridate) # dates functionality

Attaching package: 'lubridate'
The following object is masked from 'package:base':

library(colorRamps) #contains color palette
library(rgeos) #contains topological operations
rgeos version: 0.3-26, (SVN revision 560)
 GEOS runtime version: 3.5.1-CAPI-1.9.1 r4246 
 Linking to sp version: 1.2-5 
 Polygon checking: TRUE 
library(sphet) #contains spreg, spatial regression modeling

Attaching package: 'sphet'
The following object is masked from 'package:raster':

library(BMS) #contains hex2bin and bin2hex, Bayesian methods
library(bitops) # function for bitwise operations
library(foreign) # import datasets from SAS, spss, stata and other sources
library(gdata) #read xls, dbf etc., not recently updated but useful
gdata: read.xls support for 'XLS' (Excel 97-2004) files ENABLED.

gdata: read.xls support for 'XLSX' (Excel 2007+) files ENABLED.

Attaching package: 'gdata'
The following objects are masked from 'package:xts':

    first, last
The following objects are masked from 'package:raster':

    resample, trim
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':

The following object is masked from 'package:utils':

The following object is masked from 'package:base':

library(classInt) #methods to generate class limits
library(plyr) #data wrangling: various operations for splitting, combining data

Attaching package: 'plyr'
The following object is masked from 'package:lubridate':

#library(gstat) #spatial interpolation and kriging methods
library(readxl) #functionalities to read in excel type data

###### Functions used in this script

#function_preprocessing_and_analyses <- "fire_alaska_analyses_preprocessing_functions_03102017.R" #PARAM 1
#script_path <- "/home/attendee/data/AAG2017_spatial_temporal_analysis_R/R_scripts"
#source(file.path(script_path,function_preprocessing_and_analyses)) #source all functions used in this script 1.
create_dir_fun <- function(outDir,out_suffix=NULL){
  #if out_suffix is not null then append out_suffix string
    out_name <- paste("output_",out_suffix,sep="")
    outDir <- file.path(outDir,out_name)
  #create if does not exists

#####  Parameters and argument set up ###########

in_dir_var <- "../data"
out_dir <- "."

strat_hab_fname <- "Strat_hab_con_areas1" #1)Strategic Habitat conservation areas raster file
regional_counties_fname <- "Regional_Counties" #2) County shapefile
roads_fname <- "roads_counts" #3) Roads count raster
priority_wet_habitats_fname <- "Priority_Wet_Habitats1" #4) Priority Wetlands Habitat raster file
clay_parcels_fname <- "Clay_Parcels" #5) Clay County parcel shapefile
habitat_fname <- "Habitat" #6) General Habitat raster file
biodiversity_hotspot_fname <- "Biodiversity_Hot_Spots1" #7) Biodiversity hotspot raster file
florida_managed_areas_fname <- "flma_jun13" #8) Florida managed areas shapefile
focus_zone1_fname <- "focus_zone1" #9) focus zone as raster file

##Additional data: 
#roads_distance_exercise3.tif: distance to roads
#r_flma_clay_bool_distance_exercise3.tif: distance to Florida Mangement Areas

gdal_installed <- FALSE #if true use the system/shell command else use the distance layer provided
file_format <- ".tif" #PARAM5
NA_flag_val <- -9999 #PARAM7
out_suffix <-"exercise3_04022018" #output suffix for the files and ouptu folder #PARAM 8
create_out_dir_param=TRUE #PARAM9

################# START SCRIPT ###############################

## First create an output directory

  out_dir <- dirname(in_dir) #output will be created in the input dir

out_suffix_s <- out_suffix #can modify name of output suffix
  out_dir <- create_dir_fun(out_dir,out_suffix_s)
  setwd(out_dir) #use previoulsy defined directory


#1) Strategic Habitat conservation areas raster file
#2) County shapefile
#3) Roads shapefile
#4) Priority Wetlands Habitat raster file
#5) Clay County parcel shapefile
#6) General Habitat raster file
#7) Biodiversity hotspot raster file
#8) Florida managed areas shapefile
#9) Focus area as raster file

## Read in the datasets
r_strat_hab <- raster(file.path(in_dir_var,strat_hab_fname,paste(strat_hab_fname,"tif",sep=".")))
reg_counties_sp <- readOGR(dsn=in_dir_var,regional_counties_fname) 
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
Source: "/nfs/public-data/training", layer: "Regional_Counties"
with 9 features
It has 9 fields
r_roads <- raster(file.path(in_dir_var,roads_fname,paste(roads_fname,"tif",sep=".")))
r_priority_wet_hab <- raster(file.path(in_dir_var,priority_wet_habitats_fname,paste(priority_wet_habitats_fname,"tif",sep=".")))

clay_sp <- readOGR(dsn=in_dir_var, clay_parcels_fname) #large file
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
Source: "/nfs/public-data/training", layer: "Clay_Parcels"
with 84601 features
It has 139 fields
r_habitat <- raster(file.path(in_dir_var,habitat_fname,paste(habitat_fname,"tif",sep=".")))
r_bio_hotspot <- raster(file.path(in_dir_var,biodiversity_hotspot_fname,paste(biodiversity_hotspot_fname,"tif",sep=".")))

flma_sp <- readOGR(dsn=in_dir_var,florida_managed_areas_fname)
OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
Source: "/nfs/public-data/training", layer: "flma_jun13"
with 2220 features
It has 33 fields
r_focus_zone1 <- raster(file.path(in_dir_var,focus_zone1_fname,paste(focus_zone1_fname,"tif",sep=".")))

## Visualize a few datasets
plot(r_strat_hab, main="strategic habitat")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

plot(r_priority_wet_hab, main="Priority wetland habitat")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1


##### Before starting the production of the sustainability factor let's check the projection, 
#resolution for each layer relevant to the calculation

#raster layers:

list_raster <- c(r_strat_hab,r_priority_wet_hab,r_habitat,r_bio_hotspot)

## Examine information on rasters using lapply
lapply(list_raster,function(x){res(x)}) #spatial resolution
[1] 55 55

[1] 225 225

[1] 62.63 62.63

[1] 100 100
lapply(list_raster,function(x){projection(x)}) #spatial projection
[1] "+proj=aea +lat_1=24 +lat_2=31.5 +lat_0=24 +lon_0=-84 +x_0=400000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs"

[1] "+proj=aea +lat_1=24 +lat_2=31.5 +lat_0=24 +lon_0=-84 +x_0=400000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs"

[1] "+proj=aea +lat_1=24 +lat_2=31.5 +lat_0=24 +lon_0=-84 +x_0=400000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs"

[1] "+proj=aea +lat_1=24 +lat_2=31.5 +lat_0=24 +lon_0=-84 +x_0=400000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs"
lapply(list_raster,function(x){extent(x)}) #extent of rasters
class       : Extent 
xmin        : 52650.4 
xmax        : 793995.4 
ymin        : 56824.82 
ymax        : 781614.8 

class       : Extent 
xmin        : 52650.39 
xmax        : 794025.4 
ymin        : 56824.82 
ymax        : 781774.8 

class       : Extent 
xmin        : 481073.7 
xmax        : 648609 
ymin        : 551568.7 
ymax        : 732882.6 

class       : Extent 
xmin        : 52650.39 
xmax        : 793950.4 
ymin        : 56824.82 
ymax        : 781624.8 
### PART 0: generate reference layer

## Let's use the resolution 55x55 m as the reference since it corresponds to finer resolution relevant
# for this study. The focus region provides the extent for the final step.
## Select clay county
clay_county_sp <- subset(reg_counties_sp,NAME=="CLAY")

plot(r_strat_hab, main="strategic habitat")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

## Crop r_strat_hab
r_ref <- crop(r_strat_hab,clay_county_sp) #make a reference image for use in the processing

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

r_clay <- rasterize(clay_county_sp,r_ref) #this can be used as mask for the study area
freq(r_clay) #check the distribution of values: 1 and NA 
     value  count
[1,]     1 551163
[2,]    NA 256149
##Use raster of Clay county definining the study area to mask pixels

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

dim(r_clay) #number of rows and columns as well as number of layers/bands
[1] 968 834   1

### STEP 1: Strategic Habitat conservation areas

#Input data layer: Habitat
#We will use information from the National Heritage Froundation to reclassify the Habitat layer as input
#criterion for the suitability analysis.
#Criteria for value assignment: Habitat ranked by the Natural Heritage Program as having high native
#biodiversity were given a value of 9. Habitat ranked as having a moderate native biodiversity were given
#a value of 5, and all other habitat types were given a value of 1.
#Rationale for value assignment: Certain habitat types are known to have higher native biodiversity than
#others, consequently those with higher native biodiversity were given higher suitability rankings.
#Output: Habitat Biodiversity 

#strategic habitat conservation areas
r_strat_hab_w <- crop(r_strat_hab,r_clay) #Crop habitat conservation layer covering the State of Florida
r_strat_hab_masked <- mask(r_strat_hab_w,r_clay) # Mask layer matching the Clay county area

## Now reclassify: create a matrix of reclassification
#values are: from, to, assigned value
m <- c(5, 1000, 9,   #use 1000 as upper limit, can be any value greater than max
       4, 5, 5,  
       1, 3, 1)  

rclmat <- matrix(m, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)

#?raster::reclassify: to find out information on the function

rc_strat_hab_reg <- reclassify(r_strat_hab_masked, rclmat)
plot(rc_strat_hab_reg,main="Reclassified Strategic Habit in Clay County")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### STEP 2: Identify Lands With High Native Biodiversity based on species count 

## Crop bio raster
r_bio_hotspot_w <- crop(r_bio_hotspot,clay_county_sp)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

#r_bio_clay_masked <- mask(r_bio_hotspot_w,r_clay) ## Does not work!! because resolution don't match
#match resolution:
projection(r_bio_hotspot_w)==projection(r_clay) #projection match
[1] TRUE
res(r_bio_hotspot_w)==res(r_clay) #the resolutions do not match, we will need to resample
## Find about resample
#?raster::resample #to find out about the resample function from the raster package
r_bio_hotspot_reg <- raster::resample(x=r_bio_hotspot_w,y=r_clay, method="bilinear") #Use resample to match resolutions

r_bio_hotspot_reg <- mask(r_bio_hotspot_reg,r_clay) ## It now works because resolutions were matched
plot(r_bio_hotspot_reg,main="Resampled biodiversity layer to 55m")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### Reclassify using instructions/information given to us:
m <- c(9, 1000, 9,  
       5, 8, 8,  
       3, 4, 7,  
       1, 2,1)
rclmat <- matrix(m, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)

rc_bio_hotspot_reg <- reclassify(r_bio_hotspot_reg, rclmat)

plot(rc_bio_hotspot_reg, main="Bio hotspot reclassified")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### STEP 3: Wetland priority 

#Input data layer: Priority Wetland Habitats
#Criteria for value assignment: Values were assigned based on the number of focal species present in
#each cell. The value of 9 was assigned to 10–12 wetland focal species, 8 was assigned to 7–9 wetland focal
#species, 7 was assigned to 4–6 wetland focal species and 4–6 upland focal species, 6 was assigned to
#1–3 wetland or upland focal species. The value 1 was assigned to all other cells.
#Rationale for value assignment: The better the habitat for focal wetland species, the higher the priority.
#Output: Wetland Biodiversity 

#check projection
[1] "+proj=aea +lat_1=24 +lat_2=31.5 +lat_0=24 +lon_0=-84 +x_0=400000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs"
## Crop Wetland priority raster
r_priority_wet_hab_w <- crop(r_priority_wet_hab,clay_county_sp)

#r_priority_wet_hab_reg <- mask(r_priority_wet_hab_w,r_clay) ## Does not work!! because resolution don't match
#match resolution:
r_priority_wet_hab_reg <- raster::resample(r_priority_wet_hab_w,r_clay, method='bilinear') #resolution matching the study region

#r_priority_wet_hab_reg <- mask(r_priority_wet_hab_reg,r_clay) ## Does not work!! because resolution don't match
plot(r_priority_wet_hab_reg,main="Priority Wetland Habitat resampled")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### Now reclass
#The value of 9 was assigned to 10–12 wetland focal species, 8 was assigned to 7–9 wetland focal
#species, 7 was assigned to 4–6 wetland focal species and 4–6 upland focal species, 6 was assigned to
#1–3 wetland or upland focal species. The value 1 was assigned to all other cells.

m <- c(10, 12, 9,  
       7, 9, 8,  
       4, 6, 7,  
       1, 3,6,
       -1, 1,1)

rclmat <- matrix(m, ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)

rc_priority_wet_hab_reg <- reclassify(r_priority_wet_hab_reg, rclmat)
freq_tb <- freq(rc_priority_wet_hab_reg)
     value  count
[1,]    -2      4
[2,]    -1      6
[3,]     1 250708
[4,]     3  19603
[5,]     4  22097
[6,]     6 498078
[7,]     7  12250
[8,]    NA   4566
plot(rc_priority_wet_hab_reg,main="Priority Wetland Habitat reclassified")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

### STEP 4: Combine all the three input criteria layers with weigthed/unweighted sum

f_weights <- c(1,1,1)/3
r_bio_es_factor <- (f_weights[1]*rc_strat_hab_reg + f_weights[2]*rc_bio_hotspot_reg + f_weights[3]*rc_priority_wet_hab_reg) #weighted sum

f_weights <- c(1,1.5,1.5)/3
r_bio_ws_factor <- (f_weights[1]*rc_strat_hab_reg + f_weights[2]*rc_bio_hotspot_reg + f_weights[3]*rc_priority_wet_hab_reg) #weighted sum

r_bio_factor <- stack(r_bio_es_factor,r_bio_ws_factor)
names(r_bio_factor) <- c("equal_weights","weigthed_sum")
#plot(r_bio_factor,main="Bio factor for suitability analysis")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

out_suffix_str <- paste0(names(r_bio_factor),"_",out_suffix) # this needs to be matching the number of outputs files writeRaste

##Write out raster file:


#GOAL: Create two raster maps showing lands in Clay County, 
#Florida that have would have higher conservation potential based on 
#local road density and distance from existing managed lands using a combination 
#of the Clip, Extract by Mask, Euclidean Distance, Line Density, Project, Reclassify, and Weighted Sum tools.

#Step 1: prepare files to create a distance to road layer

### Processs roads first
plot(r_roads,main="Roads_count in Clay county")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

r_roads_bool <- r_roads > 0
NAvalue(r_roads_bool ) <- 0 
roads_bool_fname <- file.path(out_dir,paste0("roads_bool_",out_suffix,file_format))
r_roads_bool <- writeRaster(r_roads_bool,filename=roads_bool_fname,overwrite=T)
Error in .local(x, filename, ...): Attempting to write a file to a path that does not exist:
#setp 2: prepare files to create a distance to existing managed land

r_flma_clay <- rasterize(flma_sp,r_clay,"OBJECTID_1",fun="max")
r_flma_clay_bool <- r_flma_clay > 0
NAvalue(r_flma_clay_bool) <- 0 
r_flma_clay_bool_fname <- file.path(out_dir,paste0("r_flma_clay_bool_",out_suffix,file_format))
r_flma_clay_bool <- writeRaster(r_flma_clay_bool,filename=r_flma_clay_bool_fname,overwrite=T)
Error in .local(x, filename, ...): Attempting to write a file to a path that does not exist:
plot(r_flma_clay_bool,"Management areas in Clay County")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

  ## Roads
  srcfile <- roads_bool_fname 
  dstfile_roads <- file.path(out_dir,paste("roads_distance_",out_suffix,file_format,sep=""))
  n_values <- "1"
  ### Note that gdal_proximity doesn't like when path is too long
  cmd_roads_str <- paste("",basename(srcfile),basename(dstfile_roads),"-values",n_values,sep=" ")
  #cmd_str <- paste("", srcfile, dstfile,sep=" ")
  ### Prepare command for FLMA
  srcfile <- r_flma_clay_bool_fname 
  dstfile_flma <- file.path(out_dir,paste("r_flma_clay_bool_distance_",out_suffix,file_format,sep=""))
  n_values <- "1"
  ### Note that gdal_proximity doesn't like when path is too long
  cmd_flma_str <- paste("",basename(srcfile),basename(dstfile_flma),"-values",n_values,sep=" ")
  #cmd_str <- paste("", srcfile, dstfile,sep=" ")
  sys_os <- as.list($sysname
  r_flma_distance <- raster(dstfile_flma)
  r_roads_distance <- raster(dstfile_roads)
  r_roads_distance <- raster(file.path(in_dir_var,"additional_data",paste("roads_distance_exercise3",file_format,sep="")))
  r_flma_distance <- raster(file.path(in_dir_var,"additional_data",paste("r_flma_clay_bool_distance_exercise3",file_format,sep="")))

#Now rescale the distance...
min_val <- cellStats(r_roads_distance,min) 
max_val <- cellStats(r_roads_distance,max)

#Linear rescaling:
#y = ax + b with b=0
#with 9 being new max and 0 being new min
a = (9 - 0) /(max_val - min_val)
r_roads_dist <- r_roads_distance * a

#Get distance from managed land
#b. Which parts of Clay County contain proximity-to-managed-lands characteristics that would make them more favorable to be used as conservation lands?

min_val <- cellStats(r_flma_distance,min) 
max_val <- cellStats(r_flma_distance,max)
a = (9 - 0) /(max_val - min_val) #linear rescaling factor
r_flma_dist <- r_flma_distance * a

#GOAL: Create two raster maps showing parcels in Clay County, Florida that have would 
#have higher conservation potential based on parcel values.
#First, factors must be combined to generate a suitability index.

### Step 1:  Combine distance factors with weights...
f_weights <- c(1,1)/2 #factor weights for distance to roads
r_dist_factor <- f_weights[1]*r_roads_dist + f_weights[2]*r_flma_dist #weighted sum with equal weight

### Step 3: Combine distance factor and bio factor
f_weights <- c(2/3,1/3) #We are weighting factor bio more for this exercise
r_suitability_factor <- f_weights[1]*r_bio_factor + f_weights[2]*r_dist_factor #weighted sum with equal weight
names(r_suitability_factor) <- c("suitability1","suitability2")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

out_suffix_str <- paste0(names(r_suitability_factor),"_",out_suffix) # this needs to be matching the number of outputs files writeRaste


### Write out later

# Step 3: summarize by parcels!!

projection(r_focus_zone1)<- projection(r_clay)

clay_sp_parcels_reg <- spTransform(clay_sp,projection(r_clay))

parcels_focus_zone1_sp <- intersect(clay_sp_parcels_reg,r_focus_zone1)
Warning in intersect(x, y): non identical CRS
parcels_avg_suitability <- extract(r_suitability_factor,parcels_focus_zone1_sp,fun=mean,sp=T)

## Select top 10 parcels to target for conservation
parcels_avg_suitability <- parcels_avg_suitability[order(parcels_avg_suitability$suitability1,decreasing = T),] 
plot(parcels_avg_suitability$suitability1,main="Suitability index by parcel in focus zone 1")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

p<- spplot(parcels_avg_suitability[1:10,],"suitability1",main="Selected top 10 parcels for possible conservation")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

##Figure of selected parcels
plot(clay_county_sp,border="red",main="Selected parcels")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

##############################   END OF SCRIPT    ##########################################

Top of Section