for Researchers & Teams
Quick Start
Quick Start
Environment Modules
Creating Visualizations to Enhance Scientific Teamwork
Software Solutions for Qualitative Data Analysis
Technological solutions to streamline your team’s virtual project
Zoom for SESYNC Teams
Run Code in Parallel on a Windows Virtual Machine
The Compute Cluster
Command-line Stata (from RStudio Server)
Local Sync for Research Data
Connect to a Database Server
Jupyter Server
Publish Synthesis Data Products
Share Files and Folders with Anyone
RStudio Server
Remote Meeting Participants
Publish a Shiny App
Create Projects on GitLab
Bulk Uploads and Downloads by SFTP
Research Data Directory
eBeam Whiteboards
Why is R (or Python) not found?
How do I set up a Python virtual environment for Slurm jobs?
How do I change the git default branch name for new repositories from master to main?
What is Slack and why is it useful for team science?
Why am I locked out of the RStudio or Jupyter server?
How do I create a virtual environment on the Jupyter server?
What technological options exist for virtual team communication?
How do I set up an SSH key on GitLab/GitHub?
How can I secure my virtual meeting?
What are common options for Slurm jobs, and how do I set them?
Cyber Resources
How do I work with a git-versioned project in Jupyter Lab?
How do I run an interactive job on the cluster?
Where should I store temporary files created by Slurm cluster jobs?
How much data can I store in my research data directory?
What resources exist for collaborative writing?
How to create a symlink to a research directory?
How does SESYNC wind down computational support?
Why isn't my research data directory in '/nfs'?
Why does my virtual machine show less memory than I requested?
Why does git show that all my files changed when I didn't change them?
What is a virtual machine?
What support does SESYNC provide for custom virtual machines?
When are the server maintenance windows?
What happens to my jobs during the maintenance window?
How do I access Linux resources?
How do I access my research data directory?
Should I use GitHub or SESYNC's GitLab?
What's the difference between git, GitHub, and GitLab?
Can code move between GitLab, GitHub, and Bitbucket?
What is the compute cluster?
How do I access my Windows virtual machine?
Do I have to use the cluster?
How do I create an RStudio project with git?
How do I change my SESYNC password?
What is my SESYNC username?
What resources are available?
How do I contact IT or research support staff?
Open data during a pandemic: ESA 2021 Ignite session
Summer Institute 2021: a year older and wiser
Making a fifty-state USA map, 2021 edition
Making free maps with R, ggspatial, and Mapbox
Geocoding with R
Data exploration to cultivate better living at the 2021 UMD Data Challenge
Goodbye %>%, hello := (Using R data.table to speed up my data science)
How open reproducible methods benefit the research community: a shiny story
The carbon footprint of R code, and how to reduce it
Shiny App Accessibility, Part 2: Accessible Design
Shiny App Accessibility, Part 1: Only You Can Prevent Link Rot
Resources to help you learn GitHub Pages
What we learned teaching a virtual course this summer
Tips for a smooth R(Studio) workflow and reproducible R code
Best Practices for SESYNC Virtual Meetings
Oh, the Places You Can Get Census Population Data For!
Google Dataset Search: A very helpful and definitely not evil tool for finding data
How do I resolve merge conflicts in git/GitHub/GitLab?
Databases, huh? What are they good for?
Using the rslurm package to run code in parallel
ggplot tricks not to forget about
Creating visualizations with DiagrammeR
Publishing Data Papers
Sharing your RShiny App
Adventures in Windows Dynamic Memory
Raster Change Detection Analysis with Two Images
Making "dataspice" at #runconf18
Build a Shiny App to Browse MODIS Data
Standardizing Non-standard Evaluation in R
Writing Data Management Plans
Images for Data Exploration in RShiny Apps
Tidy Data in Python
Plots in R
Model Formulas
Text Mine
Data APIs in R
Data APIs in Python
Leaflet Maps
Shiny Apps
Git in the Shell
Advanced git
Advanced Tidyverse
Spatial R Packages
Vector Operations in R
Raster Operations in R
Open Source Geospatial tools
Raster Classification in R
OPeNDAP with Python
Relational Databases using SQLite
Relational Databases
Basic NetLogo
NetLogo Scripting
Spatial NetLogo
Data Documentation & Publishing
Basic R
Basic Python
Basic git
Basic SQL
Tidy Data in R
Maps with R
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